How It Works

We provide you with everything you need for a fun and profitable trivia event. You get all the topics, questions and answers, visuals to project to a screen or TV, answer sheets, rules, prize suggestions, and hints and tips to enhance your guest’s experience and more importantly, bring them back to your business. All you need to do is provide or be your own host. If you have an outgoing, personable bartender or support staff member, he or she can easily host your trivia event by following our recommended script.

Test it out for yourself. We’re offering a FREE TRIVIA KIT so you can see how easy it is to host a trivia event at your brewery or bar. Click here to download.



Q: How many questions do we get?

A: Typically, each trivia package includes 30 questions plus tie breakers. Trivia is divided into ten rounds, three questions per round. We have found with this format, a trivia event lasts about two hours. By doing it in rounds it provides natural breaks where your guests have an ideal opportunity to purchase additional food and beverage or shop your merch.

Q: What format does everything come in?

A: All documents are in PowerPoint, Excel, and *.pdf. The accompanying visuals are in PowerPoint or Google Slides so anyone can use them without purchasing additional software. 


Q: Do you offer trivia for non-profits and other fundraising organizations?

A: We do provide full 100-question trivia kits (10 rounds with 10 questions per round, plus tie breaker ideas) as well as optional side games to play to increase your revenue and their fun.

Q: Why themed trivia?

A: We found that it draws bigger crowds. We started doing trivia are our brewery by asking general questions. We decided it would be more fun to have an entire set of questions based on our favorite TV show, Seinfeld. And that event was standing room only! On a Wednesday night!! Since then, we have only hosted themed trivia at our brewery, and the crowds continued to grow. Often, we have had to add a second night depending on the theme.

Q: Should we charge customers?

A: We have never charged to participate in our trivia events. We have counted on the additional revenue from attendees, and you can almost always count on new faces. If you think you can charge a fee to play, then do so. 

Q: What prizes should we give?

A: We have found most people are not motivated to play for prizes. It is their love of the movie or TV show that makes them join the fun. We do provide prizes for the Top 3 teams, notably items already on hand such as gift cards, glassware, and t-shirts. Ideas for raffle prizes are also included in Hopped Up’s newsletter. 

Q: How often are new trivia topics added?

A: We try to add at least one new set of questions each week. We also pay people to write questions. If you would like to write trivia questions for us, email for more details. Do you have a topic? Send us an email with your idea.