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We like beer and we like games.

We are a married couple with 40+ years of experience in the hospitality and beer industries. In our experience, we have ideated, planned, and executed literally hundreds of successful events at breweries, bars, restaurants, and other venues. Our most successful events have been trivia nights. Like a lot of places, we were looking for a way to boost guest traffic and engagement on slower nights during the week. It occurred to us trivia might be the key. After contacting local event companies to host our trivia nights, we quickly learned that avenue would be very expensive, not very flexible, and at the end of the night after paying a third party, our business would make a small profit, at best. We decided to build trivia events on our own, with questions and topics from scratch. This all initially started with General Knowledge questions, and we drew in solid crowds for weekdays. Then inspiration struck. After listening to the audio book for “Seinfeldia” on our way to drink beer in Wisconsin, we decided to do a Seinfeld trivia night. We made it a ticketed event, and it sold out in minutes! From then on, we determined to stick with themed trivia and continued to draw huge crowds, garnering attention, positive feedback, and numerous first-time patrons. Hopped Up Trivia is the culmination of those trivia events, as we decided to share our key learnings (good and bad!) with other small business owners. It is our belief you and your teams can host fun, memorable, and profitable trivia events, in your space and on your own terms.   

When we are not researching new themes and writing more questions, we enjoy traveling and camping with our dog, Eddie. You can usually find us drinking a beer around the firepit.


If you have any questions about our service, please drop us a line.


Serenity now,

Brad & Kat

Celebrity mash-up name = “Brat”