Trivia Questions and Answers from the Week of 9/4/23
Here is a review of all of the questions and answers we asked last week, based on candy! Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Linked In to play trivia daily.
Q: This candy has a left side and a right side. Name it.
A: Twix
Bonus Question: What is the name of the Japanese car company in the movie Gung Ho?
Assan Motors
Q: This candy comes with a spoon you can eat
A: Fun Dip
Q: President Reagan was known to keep bowls of this candy around the White House
A: Jelly Belly
Q: This candy encourages you to “taste the rainbow.”
A: Skittles
Q: According to, this is the candy trick or treaters hate most.
A: Circus Peanuts
Q: What was the original name of cotton candy?
A: Fairy Floss
Q: The Simpsons were spokespeople for this candy bar.
A: Butterfinger
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