Don’t have a trivia event. Have a trivia experience!

We all want to attract new customers. Of course, we don’t want them to just visit once, we want them to become regular customers. We also would love it if they told all their friends about us in person and on social media. There is a way you can do it. We like to call it Surprise and Delight. Give them something more than they expected so when they leave, they are delighted to share their experience with others.

Creating an experience around your themed trivia event will surprise and delight new customers. Here are some things you can do:


·        Add food and beverage items related to the trivia theme

·        Have staff dress in the spirit of the theme

·        Have a photo wall that relates to the theme

·        Pick fun prizes that fans of the movie or TV show will love

When you purchase a themed trivia kit from Hopped Up Trivia, we give you ideas for specials to add to your food and beverage menus. We also provide ideas for other fun things for customers to enjoy during the experience, as well as links to great prizes.

So don’t wait. Start surprising and delighting new customers today.


A Hopped Up Playlist


Obi Wan Kenobi Kit Released