Bar Event Idea: Nostalgia Sells!

Nostalgia sells because it taps into our emotions and memories, transporting us back to a time when life was simpler and happier. When we experience nostalgia, we feel a sense of comfort and familiarity, and this can be incredibly appealing to consumers. Advertisers and marketers have long recognized the power of nostalgia and use it to sell products that evoke feelings of the past. You can see that in a lot of recent movie releases about Tetris, Blackberry, Air (Air Jordans), and others. All of these movies are set in the past and part of the joy of watching them is reliving the time.


Here are a few ideas for you to use to take advantage of nostalgia:


·        Host an 80s or 90s night. Play music from the time period and encourage people to dress from that era. Be sure to get an appropriate photo background so you can gain social media impressions from people posting selfies (80s background   90s background). You can even serve food and drinks that were popular from that time period.

·        Designs a vintage t-shirt. If you have a graphic designer on your team, then you are set. If not, there are some low-cost options to look at. is a marketplace for creative talent. You can also DIY using Canva which requires almost no skill in design or computers.

·        Trivia. Trivia is all about nostalgia, allowing people to show off their love and knowledge of events from the past, including TV and movies. Hopped Up Trivia has dozens of trivia kits, including 80s, 90s, and 2000s trivia, which give you everything you need to host your own fun and profitable trivia night at your bar or brewery.

So don’t wait! Get your event scheduled today. Be sure to give your customers 3 -5 weeks advance notice so you can give them time to add your event to their calendar.


Gotta Have Stuff for Sick Days


Trivia Questions and Answers for the Week of  4/24/23