Trivia Questions and Answers from the Week of 8/19/24

Here is a review of all of the questions and answers we asked last week based on College Movies. Check out all our digital downloadable trivia kits today. Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Linked In to play trivia daily.

Q: At which college did Will Hunting work as a janitor?

A: MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Q: Which sorority did Elle Woods join in legally blonde?

A: Delta Nu

Q: How many years has Van Wilder been in college?

A: 7

Q: In Real Genius, what food does Professor Hathaway despise?

A: Popcorn

Q: In Old School, what is the name of the store Beanie owns?

A: Speaker City

Q: In the movie Neighbors, which movie star is the fraternity party thrown in honor of?

A: Robert DeNiro

Q: What fraternity do Pinto and Flounder pledge in Animal House?

A: Delta Tau Chi

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