Trivia Questions and Answers from the Week of 4/29/24

Here is a review of all of the questions and answers we asked last week based on famous failures. Check out all our digital downloadable trivia kits today. Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Linked In to play trivia daily.

Q: What baseball team hosed Disco Demolition Night that resulted in a riot the ball park?

A: Chicago White Sox

Q: Gary Thuerk is credited with sending the first one in 1976. You likely got several today.

A: Spam email

Q: What fast food chain sent the tweet for international women's day "Women belong in the kitchen?"

A: Burger King

Q: Coke isn't the only soft drink maker to have a major fail. It's competitor launched a product that had consumers confused. What was its name?

A: Crystal Pepsi

Q: This TV journalist had America in suspense as he opened Al Capone's vault live on TV only to find it empty.

A: Geraldo Rivera

Q: This company fired its CEO/co-founder in 1985 only to hire him back in 1997 and saw its largest period of growth?

A: Steve Jobs of Apple

Q: Movie rental giant Blockbuster passed on buying this company in 2000.

A: Netflix

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